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3. Feteira-Santos R, Alarcão V, Santos O, Virgolino A, Fernandes J, Vieira C, Gregório M, Nogueira P, Costa A, Graça P. Looking Ahead: Health Impact Assessment of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling Schema as a Public Health MeasureInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(4), 1422. [SJR(20120): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

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10. Santos OStefanovska-Petkovska M, Virgolino A, Miranda AC, Costa J, Fernandes E, Cardoso S, Carneiro AVFunctional Health Literacy: Psychometric Properties of the Newest Vital Sign for Portuguese Adolescents (NVS-PTeen). Nutrients 13: 790. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,717]

11. Mesquita E, Ribeiro R, Silva C, Alves R, Baptista R, Condinho S, Rosa MJ, Perdigão J, Caneiras C, Duarte A. An Update on Wastewater Multi-Resistant Bacteria: Identification of Clinical Pathogens Such as Escherichia coli O25b:H4-B2-ST131-Producing CTX-M-15 ESBL and KPC-3 Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella oxytoca. Microorganisms 9: 576. [SJR(2020): Q2 |JCR (2020): 4,128]

12. Virgolino A, Santos O, Costa J, Fialho M, Iavicoli I, Santonen T, Tolonen H, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Baltatzis G, Ruggieri F, Abballe A, Petrovičová I, Kolena B, Šidlovská M, Ancona C, Eržen I, Sepai O, Castaño A, Kolossa-Gehring M, Fiddicke U. Challenges to Evidence Synthesis and Identification of Data Gaps in Human Biomonitoring. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(6): 2830. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

13. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration*. Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight. eLife 10: e60060. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 8,140] *Osvaldo Santos

14. Rodrigues S, Henriques H, Henriques MEffectiveness of preoperative breathing exercise interventions in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A systematic review. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia. [SJR(2020): Q3 | JCR(2020): 1.374]

15. Gonçalves P, Melo A, Dias M, Almeida B, Caetano L, Veríssimo C, Viegas C, Sabino RAzole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus Harboring the TR34/L98H Mutation: First Report in Portugal in Environmental SamplesMicroorganisms 9: 57. [SJR(2020): Q2 |JCR (2020): 4,128]

16. Almeida A, Borrego L, Brízido M, Figueiredo M, Teixeira F, Coelho C, Teixeira S. DIGIROP efficacy for detecting treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity in a Portuguese cohort. Eye. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,775]

17. Domingos C, Peralta M, Prazeres P, Nan W, Rosa A, Pereira J. Session Frequency Matters in Neurofeedback Training of Athletes. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback [SJR(2020): Q3]

18. Gouveia É, Gouveia B, Marques A, Lopes H, Rodrigues A, Quintal T, Pestana M, Peralta M, Kliegel M, Ihle A. Estimation of Engagement in Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity from Direct Observation: A Proposal for School Physical EducationChildren 8(2): 67. [JCR(2020): 2,863]

19. Wilson E, Castro V, Chaves R, Espinosa M, Rodil R, Quintana J, Vieira M, Santos M. Using zebrafish embryo bioassays combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry screening to assess ecotoxicological water bodies quality status: A case study in Panama rivers. Chemosphere 272: 129823. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 7,086]

20. Marconcin P, Ihle A, Werneck A, Gouveia E, Ferrari G, Peralta M, Marques AThe Association of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors with Overweight and Obesity among Older Adults from 21 CountriesNutrients 13(2): 315. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,717]

21. Ferrari G, Werneck A, Silva D, Kovalskys I, Gómez G, Rigotti A, Cortés L, García M, Liria M, Herrera-Cuenca M, Zimberg I, Guajardo V, Pratt M, Cristi-Montero C, Marques APeralta M, Bolados C, Leme A, Rollo S, Fisberg M, on behalf of the ELANS Study Group. Agreement Between Self-Reported and Device-Based Sedentary Time among Eight Countries: Findings from the ELANSPrev Sci. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 4,056]

22. Gouveia É, Gouveia B, Marques A, Peralta M, França C, Lima A, Campos A, Jurema J, Kliegel M, Ihle A. Predictors of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults and Older Adults from Amazonas, BrazilInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(3): 1303. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

23. Matos M, Kleszczewska D, Gaspar T, Dzielska A, Mazur J. Making the best out of youth—The Improve the Youth project. J Community Psychol. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,282]

24. Reis M, Ramiro L, Paiva T, Matos MNational Survey on the importance of sleep in the quality of academic life and mental health of college students in Portugal. Sleep Science. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 0,340]

25. Mestrinho L, Santos RRTranslational oncotargets for immunotherapy: From pet dogs to humansAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews 172: 296–313. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 15,470]

26. Santos AC, Arriaga P, Simões CCatching the audience in a job interview: Effects of emotion regulation strategies on subjective, physiological, and behavioural responses. Biological Psychology 162: 108089. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,251]

27. Gomez-Baya D, Santos T, Matos MGDevelopmental assets and positive youth development: an examination of gender differences in Spain. Applied Developmental Science. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,479]

28. Staats R, Bailly S, Bonsignore MR, Ryan S, Riha RL, Schiza S, Verbraecken J, Basoglu OK, Saaresranta T, Pataka A, Ludka O, Lombardi C, Hedner JA, Grote L, the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA) collaborators. Impact of temperature on obstructive sleep apnoea in three different climate zones of Europe: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA). Journal of Sleep Research: e13315. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,981]

29. Paiva T, Reis C, Feliciano A, Canas-Simões H, Machado MA, Gaspar T, Tomé G, Branquinho C, Silva MR, Ramiro L, Gaspar S, Bentes C, Sampaio F, Pinho L, Pereira C, Carreiro A, Moreira S, Luzeiro I, Pimentel J, Videira G, Fonseca J, Bernarda A, Castro JV, Rebocho S, Almondes K, Canhão H, Matos MGSleep and Awakening Quality during COVID-19 Confinement: Complexity and Relevance for Health and BehaviorInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18: 3506. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

30. Loureiro N, Marques A, Loureiro V, Matos MGActive Transportation to School. Utopia or a Strategy for a Healthy Life in AdolescenceInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18: 4503. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

31. Ungar B, Malickova K, Hanžel J, Abu-Arisha M, Paul S, Rocha C, Ben-Shatach Z, Abitbol CM, Haj-Natour O, Selinger L, Yavzori M, Fudim E, Picard O, Shoval I, Eliakim R, Kopylov U, Magro F, Roblin X, Chowers Y, Drobne D, Lukas M, Ben-Horin S. Dose-optimization for loss-of-response to vedolizumab – pharmacokinetics and immune mechanismsJournal of Crohn’s and Colitis jjab067. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 9,071]

32. Vilarinho R, Mendes AR, Gomes M, Ferreira R, Costa F, Machado M, Neves M, Caneiras C, Montes AM. Adapted Chester Step Test Can Have Maximal Response Characteristics for the Assessment of Exercise Capacity in Young WomenHealthcare 9(3): 308. [JCR(2020): 2,645]

33. Santos AC, Arriaga P, Simões CPsychometric validation of the Portuguese version of the Measure of Anxiety in Selection Interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Published online: 07 May 2021. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 1,840]

34. Candeias P, Alarcão VStefanovska-Petkovska M, Santos O, Virgolino A, Pintassilgo S, Pascoal P, Costa AS, Machado FL. Reducing Sexual and Reproductive Health Inequities Between Natives and Migrants: A Delphi Consensus for Sustainable Cross-Cultural Healthcare PathwaysFront. Public Health 13 May 2021. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,709]

35. Simões D, Caetano LA, Veríssimo C, Viegas C, Sabino RAspergillus collected in specific indoor settings: their molecular identification and susceptibility patternInternational Journal of Environmental Health Research 31(3): 248-257. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,411]

36. Viegas C, Dias M, Carolino E, Sabino RCulture Media and Sampling Collection Method for Aspergillus spp. Assessment: Tackling the Gap between Recommendations and the Scientific Evidence. Atmosphere 12: 23. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,686]

37. Plancha C, Rodrigues P, Marques M, Almeida J, Navarro-Costa P. The time is ripe for oocyte in vitro maturationJournal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Published online: 08 May 2021. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,412]

38. Nogueira T, Ferreira R, Silva VD, Pinto ML, Damas C, Sousa JAnalytical Assessment and Nutritional Adequacy of School Lunches in Sintra’s Public Primary SchoolsNutrients 13(6): 1946. doi: 10.3390/nu13061946 [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,717]

39. Amaral A, Burney P, Patel J, Minelli C, Mejza F, Mannino D, Seemungal T, Mahesh PA, Lo LC, Janson C, Juvekar S, Denguezli M, Harrabi I, Wouters E, Cherkaski H, Mortimer K, Jogi R, Bateman E, Fuertes E,  Al Ghobain M, Tan W, Obaseki D, El Sony A, Studnicka M, Aquart-Stewart A, Koul P, Lawin H, Nafees A, Awopeju O, Erhabor G, Gislason T, Welte T, Gulsvik A, Nielsen R, Gnatiuc L, Kocabas A, Marks G, Sooronbaev T, Ngahane B, Bárbara C, Buist AS, The BOLD (Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease) Collaborative Research Group. Chronic airflow obstruction and ambient particulate air pollution. Thorax 0:1–6. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216223 [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 9,139]

40. Fuertes M, Ribeiro CC, Barbosa M, Gonçalves J, Teodoro AT, Almeida R, Beeghly M, Santos PL, Lamônica DAC. Patterns of regulatory behavior in the still-face paradigm at 3 months: A comparison of Brazilian and Portuguese infants. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252562. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252562 [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,240]

41. Guedes FB, Cerqueira A, Gaspar S, Gaspar T, Calado P, Matos MGForeign adolescents living in Portugal: Quality of life and school experiencesJ Community Psychol 113. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22625 [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,282]

42. Nicolau V, Cortes R, Lopes M, Virgolino A, Santos O, Martins A, Faria N, Reis AP, Santos C, Maltez F, Pereira AA, Antunes FHIV Infection: Time from Diagnosis to Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Portugal, a Multicentric StudyHealthcare 9, 797. [JCR(2020): 2,645]

43. Costa A, Câmara G, Arriaga MT, Nogueira P, Miguel JPActive and Healthy Aging After COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal and Other European Countries: Time to Rethink Strategies and Foster ActionFront. Public Health, 02 July 2021. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,709]

44. Kozina A, Gomez-Baya D, Matos MG, Tomé G, Wiium N. The Association Between the 5Cs and Anxiety—Insights From Three Countries: Portugal, Slovenia, and SpainFront. Psychol. 02 June 2021. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,990]

45. Vilarinho R, Serra L, Coxo R, Carvalho J, Esteves C, Montes AM, Caneiras C. Effects of a Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in GOLD B Group: A Pilot StudyHealthcare 9(5): 538. [JCR(2020): 2,645]

46. Simões C, Santos A, Lebre P, Daniel J, Branquinho C, Gaspar T, Matos MGAssessing the impact of the European resilience curriculum in preschool, early and late primary school children. School Psychology International. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,014]

47. Gaspar T, Cerqueira T, Guedes FB, Raimundo M, Matos MG. Fatores psicossociais promotores de desenvolvimento positivo ao longo da vida. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 22(1): 142-160.

48. Santos A, Simões C, Cefai C, Freitas E, Arriaga P. Emotion regulation and student engagement: Age and gender differences during adolescenceInternational Journal of Educational Research 109: 101830. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 1,976]

49. Alberti A, Schuelter-Trevisol F, Iser Betine PM, Traebert E, Freiberger V, Ventura L, Rezin GT, da Silva BB, Meneghetti Dallacosta F, Grigollo L, Dias P, Fin G, De Jesus JA, Pertille F, Rossoni C, Hur Soares B, Nodari Júnior RJ, Comim CM. Obesity in people with diabetes in COVID-19 times: Important considerations and precautions to be takenWorld J Clin Cases 9(20): 5358-5371. [SJR(2020): Q3 | JCR(2020): 1,337]

50. Madeira SG, Fernandes C, Paiva T, Moreira CS, Caldeira D. The Impact of Different Types of Shift Work on Blood Pressure and Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(13): 6738; [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 3,390]

51. Branquinho C, Santos AC, Ramiro L, Matos MG#COVID#BACKTOSCHOOL: Qualitative study based on the voice of Portuguese adolescents. Journal of Community PsychologyFirst published: 12 July 2021. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,282]

52. Wainwright T, Matos MG, Salmela-Aro K. Psychology and the Environmental CrisisEuropean Psychologist 26(3): 155-158. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,569]

53. Wainwright T, Matos MG, Salmela-Aro K. Introduction to “Psychology and the Environmental Crisis”European Psychologist 26(3): 159-160. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,569]

54. Santos O, Virgolino A, Carneiro AV, Matos MG. Health behavior and planetary health. A multi-level environmental health approach. European Psychologist 26(3): 212-218. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,569]

55. Silva AC, Nogueira P, Paiva J-A. Determinants of Antimicrobial Resistance among the Different European Countries: More than Human and Animal Antimicrobial ConsumptionAntibiotics 10: 834. https:// [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 4,639]

56. Tomé G, Matos MG, Reis M, Gomez-Baya D, Coelhosa F, Wiium N. Positive Youth Development and Wellbeing: Gender DifferencesFront. Psychol, 20 July 2021. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,990]

57. Gaspar S, Guedes FB, Budri A, Ferreira C, Matos MGHospital-acquired pressure ulcers prevention: What is needed for patient safety? The perceptions of nurse stakeholdersScand J Caring SciFirst published: 09 June 2021 [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 1,190]

58. Gaspar T, Gomez-Baya D, Trindade J, Guedes FB, Cerqueira A, Matos MGRelationship Between Family Functioning, Parents’ Psychosocial Factors, and Children’s Well-Being. Journal of Family Issues. First Published July 9, 2021. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 2,072]

59. Madeira S, Duarte A, Boinas F, Osório HCA DNA barcode reference library of Portuguese mosquitoes. Zoonoses and Public HealthFirst published: 16 August 2021. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 2,702]

60. Cunha C, Henriques M, Costa AA enfermagem de saúde pública e as políticas públicas de saúde: um estudo de caso. Esc. Anna. Nery 25(5) [SJR(2020): Q3]

61. Santos C, Santos AF, Neves R, Ribeiro R, Rodrigues F, Caneiras C, Spruit M, Bárbara CTelemonitoring of daily activities compared to the six-minute walk test further completes the puzzle of oximetry-guided interventions. Scientific Reports 11: 16600. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 4,379]

62. Wang K, Goldenberg A, Dorison C, … Moshontz H. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour 5: 1089–1110. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 13,663]

63. Seixas S, Kolbe AR, Gomes S, Sucena M, Sousa C, Rodrigues LV, Teixeira G, Pinto P, Abreu TT, Bárbara C, Semedo J, Mota L, Carvalho AS, Matthiesen R, Marques PI, Pérez-Losada M. Comparative analysis of the bronchoalveolar microbiome in Portuguese patients with different chronic lung disorders. Scientific Reports 11: 15042. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 4,379]

64. Melo AM, Poester VR, Canabarro PL, Sampaio DA, Stevens DA, Veríssimo C, Sabino R, Xavier MO. Molecular epidemiology of aspergillosis in Magellanic penguins and susceptibility patterns of clinical isolates. Medical Mycology myab040. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 4,076]

65. Lampert T, Costa J, Santos O, Sousa J, Ribeiro T, Freire E. Evidence on the contribution of community gardens to promote physical and mental health and well-being of non-institutionalized individuals: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255621. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,240]

66. Martins R, Capitão C, Fialho M, Feteira-Santos R, Virgolino A, Santos RR, Alarcão V, Silva M, Arriaga M, Graça P, Gregório MJ, Santos OAre beliefs and attitudes about COVID-19 associated with self-perceived changes in food consumption? Results from a nationwide survey during lockdown. Appetite 168: 105681. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,868]

67. Jeddi MZ, Virgolino A, Fantke P, …, Bessems J. A human biomonitoring (HBM) Global Registry Framework: Further advancement of HBM research following the FAIR principlesInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 238: 113826. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,840]

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69. Cunha C, Henriques A, Costa ACommunity Health and Public Health Nurses: Case Study in Times of COVID-19. Sustainability 13(20): 11149; [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,251]

70. Salvador D, Neto C, Carneiro RN, Caeiro MF. Mengovirus as Process Control Virus in the Monitoring of Genomic RNA and Infectivity of Enteric Viruses in Water Matrices. Waters 13(20), 2834; [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,103]

71. Freitas E, Simões, C, Santos AC & Mineiro A. Resilience in deaf children: A comprehensive literature review and applications for school staffJournal of Community Psychology, 1– 26. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,282]

72. Canto e Castro L, Gomes A, Serrano M, Pereira A, Ribeiro R, Napoleão P, Domingues I, Silva C, Fanczal J, Afonso A, Lopes A, Toader I, Sousa MJ, Sousa JG, Sousa G, Mota MM, Silva-Santos B, Veldhoen M, Ribeiro RLongitudinal SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Portugal and antibody maintenance 12 months after infection. European Journal of Immunology 1-12. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,532]

73. Barbosa M, Beeghly M, Moreira J, Tronick E, Fuertes M. Emerging patterns of infant regulatory behavior in the Still-Face paradigm at 3 and 9 months predict mother-infant attachment at 12 months. Attachment & Human Development 23 (6): 814-30. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,833]

74. Chaves R, Salvador D, Nogueira P, Santos M, Aprisco P, Neto C, Cardoso V, Benoliel M, Rodrigues J, Carneiro R. Assessment of Water Quality Parameters and their Seasonal Behaviour in a Portuguese Water Supply System: a 6-year Monitoring StudyEnvironmental Management. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 3,266]

75. Santos AC, Simões C, Daniel JR, Arriaga P. Portuguese validation of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire short version in youth: Validity, reliability and invariance across gender and ageEuropean Journal of Developmental Psychology. [SJR(2020): Q2 | JCR(2020): 2,081]

76. Matos A, Carvalho A, Bicho M, Ribeiro RArginine and Arginases Modulate Metabolism, Tumor Microenvironment and Prostate Cancer Progression. Nutrients, 13(12), 4503. [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR(2020): 5,719]

77. Branquinho C, Reis M, Koller J, Noronha C, Villinger K, Tomé G, Schupp H, Guedes FB, Renner B, Cerqueira A, Gaspar S, Almeida A, Gaspar T, Gaspar de Matos M. Viver sob a pandemia COVID-19: destaque do estudo internacional EUCLID em Portugal. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 22(3): 802-815.

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79. Corrêa R, Tomé G, Branquinho C, Neufeld C, Gaspar de Matos M, de Almeida AM. Self-control, consumption indicators and risk factors in brazilian adolescents. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças 22(3): 1027-1035.

80. Aburto, M.J., Romero, D., Rezende, L.F.M. et al. Prevalence and co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors for non-communicable diseases according to sociodemographic characteristics among adults Chilean residents. Sci Rep 11, 21702 (2021). [SJR(2020): Q1 | JCR (2020): 0.80]

81. Aguiar, L., Ferreira, J., Matos, A., Mascarenhas, M. R., Falcão, L. M., Faustino, P., … & Inácio, Â. (2021). Interplay between glycemia and the genetics of eNOS and ACE for the susceptibility to the onset and development of hypertension on the Portuguese population. Gene Reports, 22, 100975. [SJR (2020): Q4 | JCR (2020): 0.18]

82. Aguiar, L., Semente, I., Ferreira, J., Carvalho, A., Silva, A. P., Caroça, C., … & Bicho, M. (2021). Differences in the genotype frequencies of genes related to blood pressure regulation-a comparative study between South-West Europe and Peri-equatorial Africa. African Health Sciences, 21(4), 1669-76. DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v21i4.21 [SRJ (2020): Q3 | JCR (2020) 0.50]

83. Almeida, A. C., Sandinha, T., Azevedo, R., Brízido, M., Figueiredo, M., Coelho, C., & Teixeira, S. (2021). Retrospective comparison between growth and retinopathy of prematurity model versus WINROP model. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. [SJR (2020): Q2 | JCR (2020): 0.51]

84. Almeida, A. C., Silva, G. A., Santini, G., Brízido, M., Correia, M., Coelho, C., & Borrego, L. M. (2021). Correlation between hyperglycemia and glycated albumin with retinopathy of prematurity. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-01861-8 [SJR (2020): Q1 | JCR (2020) 0.80]

85. Almeida, A., Bitoque, D. B., Martins, C., Coelho, C., Borrego, L. M., & Silva, G. A. (2021). Serum levels of placental growth factor reflect the severity of retinopathy of prematurity. Acta Paediatrica, 110(10), 2778-2779. DOI: 10.1111/apa.15976 [SJR (2020): Q2 | JCR (2020) 0.98]

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87. Barbosa, M., Matos, A., Bicho, M., & Falcão, L. M. (2021). Gal-3 y ST2 como biomarcadores: un paso al frente en el pronóstico de la Insuficiencia Cardíaca. Galicia Clínica, 82(3), 146-151.

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91. Bousquet, J., Anto, J. M., Czarlewski, W., Haahtela, T., Fonseca, S. C., Iaccarino, G., … & Constantinidis, J. (2021). Cabbage and fermented vegetables: From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID‐19. Allergy, 76(3), 735-750. [SJR (2020): Q1 | JCR (2020): 2.10]

92. Branquinho, C., Paiva, T., Guedes, F., Gaspar, T., Tomé, G., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2021). Health risk behaviors before and during COVID‐19 and gender differences. Journal of Community Psychology. [SJR (2020): Q2 | JCR (2020): 0.86]

93. Branquinho, C., Santos, A., Noronha, C., Ramiro, L., & Matos, M. G. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and the second lockdown: the 3rd wave of the disease through the voice of Youth. Child Indicators Research. [SJR (2020): Q1 | JCR (2020): 1.50]

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218. Reis, M., Ramiro, L., & Matos, M. G. (2021). The impact of intervention program on health behaviours and socioemotional skills among portuguese college students. Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, 15(2), 82-93. DOI.10.33225/ppc/21.15.82

219. Reis, M., Tomé, G., Ramiro, L., Guedes, F. B., Coelhoso, F., & Matos, M. G. (2021). Development of an evaluation scale on the reasons for drug use: Validation for Portuguese youth and their relation to risk behaviours. CPQ Women and Child Health, 3(2), 1-16.

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223. Sousa, H., Gouveia, E. R., Marques, A., Sarmento, H., Lopes, H., & Ihle, A. (2021). The effect of balanced versus unbalanced football small-sided game on decision-making in youth football player. Retos, 42, 744-749. [SJR (2020): Q3 | JCR (2020): 0.26]

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17. Moreno-Maldonado C, Jiménez-Iglesias I, Camacho I, Rivera F, Moreno C, Matos MG (2020). Factors associated with life satisfaction of adolescents living with employed and unemployed parents in Spain and Portugal: A person focused approach. Children and Youth Services Review 110: Article 104740. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104740 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 1,521]

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19. Marques A, Bordalo J, Tesler R, Demetriou Y, Sturm DJ, Matos MG (2020). A composite measure of healthy lifestyle: A study from 38 countries and regions from Europe and North America, from the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children survey. American Journal of Human Biology e23419. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23419 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,558]

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23. Gariepy G, Danna S, Gobin I, Rasmussen M, Matos MG, Tynjälä J, Janssen I, Kalman M, Villerusa A, Husarova D, Brooks F, Elgar FJ, Klavina-Makrecka S, Smigelskas K, Gaspar T, Schnohr G (2020). How Are Adolescents Sleeping? Adolescent Sleep Patterns and Sociodemographic Differences in 24 European and North American Countries. Journal of Adolescent Health 66: S81–S88. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.013 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,900]

24. Craig W, Boniel-Nissim M, King N, Walsh SD, Boer M, Donnelly PD, Harel-Fisch Y, Malinowska-Cieślik M, Matos MG, Cosma A, Van den Eijnden R, Vieno A, Elgar FJ, Molcho M, Bjereld Y, Pickett W (2020). Social Media Use and Cyber-Bullying: A Cross-National Analysis of Young People in 42 CountriesJournal of Adolescent Health 66: S100–S108. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.006 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,900]

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26. Salvador D, Caeiro MF, Aguilar J, Benoliel MJ, Neto C (2020). Deteção de vírus entéricos em amostras de água natural superficial e de água para consumo humanoÁguas&Resíduos 7: 5–14. doi: 10.22181/aer.2020.0701

27. Madeira T, Peixoto-Plácido C, Sousa-Santos N, Santos O, Alarcão V, Nicola PJ, Lopes C, Gorjão Clara J (2020). Geriatric Assessment of the Portuguese Population Aged 65 and Over Living in the Community: The PEN-3S StudyActa Med Port 33(7-8): 475–82. doi: 10.20344/amp.12832 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 0,628]

28. Chaves R, Guerreiro CS, Cardoso VV, Benoliel MJ, Santos MM (2020). Toxicological assessment of seven unregulated drinking water Disinfection By-products (DBPs) using the zebrafish embryo bioassay. Science of the Total Environment 742: Article 140522. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140522 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 6,551]

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30. Alarcão V, Costa J, Madeira T, Peixoto-Plácido C, Fernandes E, Sousa-Santos N, Santos O, Nicola PJ, Lopes C, Gorjão-Clara J (2020). Self-perceived general health among community-dwelling Portuguese older adults: do men and women differ? Ageing & Society Published online: 21 July 2020 doi: 10.1017/S0144686X20000811 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 1,768]

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33. Santos CD, Neves RC, Ribeiro R, Caneiras C, Rodrigues F, Spruit MA, Bárbara C (2020). Novel Input for Designing Patient-Tailored Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Telemonitoring Physical Activity as a Vital Sign—SMARTREAB Study. J. Clin. Med. 9(8): Article 2450. doi: 10.3390/jcm9082450 

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35. Carvalho M, Branquinho C, Matos MG (2020). Cyberbullying and Bullying: Impact on Psychological Symptoms and Well-BeingChild Indicators Research. Published online:

36. Marques A, Gomez-Baya D, Peralta M, Frasquilho D, Santos T, Martins J, Ferrari G, Matos MG (2020). The Effect of Muscular Strength on Depression Symptoms in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17: Article 5674. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17165674 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

37. Corrêa R, Prado da Cruz L, Gomez-Baya D, Almeida AM, Matos MG (2020). Intervenções em competências sociais com adolescentes e o desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas em situação de vulnerabilidade: uma revisão sistemática. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta 46: 23–42. doi: 10.33776/amc.v46i173-4.3718

38. Oliveira MLC, Gomez-Baya D, Tomé G, Reis M, Maltoni J, Neufeld CM, Matos MG, Lisboa C (2020). Comportamentos autolesivos, ajuste psicológico e relações familiares em adolescentes da região amazônica no Brasil. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta 46: 43–56. doi: 10.33776/amc.v46i173-4.3644

39. Gaspar T, Tomé G, Ramiro L, Almeida A, Matos MG (2020). Ecossistemas de aprendizagem e bem-estar: fatores que influenciam o sucesso escolar. Psicologia, Saúde & Doença 21(2): 462–81. doi: 10.15309/20psd210221

40. Tellez MJA, Silva AM, Ruiz JR, Martins SS, Palmeira AL, Branco TL, Minderico CS, Rocha PM, Themudo-Barata J, Teixeira PJ, Sardinha LB (2020). Neck circumference is associated with adipose tissue content in thigh skeletal muscle in overweight and obese premenopausal womenScientific Reports 10 (1): Article 8324. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65204-9 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,998]

41. Antunes C, Pereira M, Rodrigues L, Organista D, Cysneiros A, Paula F, Nunes B, Barbosa P, Bárbara C, Escoval A, Diniz A, Froes F (2020). Hospitalization direct cost of adults with community-acquired pneumonia in Portugal from 2000 to 2009. Pulmonology 26 (5), 264–7. doi: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.02.013 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 2,778]

42. Balsa J, Félix I, Cláudio AP, Carmo MB, Silva IC, Guerreiro A, Guedes M, Henriques A, Guerreiro MP (2020). Usability of an Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Promoting Behavior Change and Self-Care in Older People with Type 2 DiabetesJournal of Medical Systems 44 (7): Article 130. doi: 10.1007/s10916-020-01583-w [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 3,058]

43. Santos B, Delgadinho M, Ferreira J, Germano I, Miranda A, Arez AP, Faustino P, Brito M (2020). Co-Inheritance of alpha-thalassemia and sickle cell disease in a cohort of Angolan pediatric patients. Molecular Biology Reports 47(7): 5397–402. doi: 10.1007/s11033-020-05628-8 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,402]

44. Silva M, Vargas S, Coelho A, Ferreira E, Mendonça J, Vieira L, Maia R, Dias A, Ferreira T, Morais A, Soares IM, Lavinha J, Silva R, Kjöllerström P, Faustino P (2020). Biomarkers and genetic modulators of cerebral vasculopathy in sub-Saharan ancestry children with sickle cell anemiaBlood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 83: Article 102436 doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2020.102436 [SJR(2019): Q2]

45. Branquinho C, Tomé G, Grothausen T, Matos MG (2020). Community-based Youth Participatory Action Research studies with a focus on youth health and well-being: A systematic reviewJournal of Community Psychology 48(5): 1301–15. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22320 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,106]

46. Madeira T, Peixoto-Plácido C, Sousa-Santos N, Santos O, Costa J, Alarcão V, Nicola PJ, Severo M, Lopes C, Clara JG (2020). Association between living setting and malnutrition among older adults: The PEN-3S studyNutrition 73: Article 110660. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.110660 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 3,639]

47. Skryabin VY, Khoryaev D, Torrado M (2020). Changes in sexual behavior patterns due to stimulants use: three case reportsJournal of Addictive Diseases 38(3): 375–9. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2020.1771236 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 0,815]

48. Pessoa B, Coelho J, Malheiro L, José D, Pires S, Coelho C, Figueira J, Meireles A, Melo-Beirão J (2020). Comparison of ocular ultrasound versus SD-OCT for imaging of the posterior vitreous status in patients with DMEOphthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina 51(4): S50–S53. doi: 10.3928/23258160-20200401-07 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 0,986]

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51. Ferrão B, Neves PM, Santos T, Capelas ML, Mäkitie A, Ravasco P (2020). Body composition changes in patients with head and neck cancer under active treatment: a scoping reviewSupport Care Cancer. doi: 10.1007/s00520-020-05487-w [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,778]

52. Marques A, Gouveia B (2020). Physical Activity Knowledge and Levels among Children with Congenital Heart Disease. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 114(5): 793–4. doi: 10.36660/abc.20200286 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 1,450]

53. Salgado M, Madureira J, Mendes AS, Torres A, Teixeira JP, Oliveira MD (2020). Environmental determinants of population health in urban settings. A systematic reviewBMC Public Health 20: Article 853 doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08905-0 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,521]

54. Skryabin VY, Zastrozhin MS, Torrado MV, Grishina EA, Ryzhikova KA, Shipitsyn VV, Galaktionova TE, Sorokin AS, Bryun EA, Sychev DA (2020). How do CYP2C19∗2 and CYP2C19∗17 genetic polymorphisms affect the efficacy and safety of diazepam in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome? Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy 35 (1): Article 20190026. doi: 10.1515/dmpt-2019-0026 [SJR(2019): Q2]

55. Feteira-Santos R, Fernandes J, Virgolino A, Alarcão V, Sena C, Vieira CP, Gregório MJ, Nogueira P, Costa A, Graça P, Santos O (2020). Effectiveness of interpretive front-of-pack nutritional labelling schemes on the promotion of healthier food choices: a systematic reviewInternational Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare 18(1): 24–37. doi: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000214 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,930]

56. Couto J, Villar M, Mateos-Hernández L, Ferrolho J, Sanches GS, Santos AS, Santos-Silva MM, Nobre J, Moreira O, Antunes S, Fuente JL, Domingos A (2020). Quantitative proteomics identifies metabolic pathways affected by babesia infection and blood feeding in the sialoproteome of the vector rhipicephalus bursaVaccines 8(1): Article 91. doi: 10.3390/vaccines8010091 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 4,086]

57. Matias CN, Bicho M, Laires MJ, Monteiro CP (2020). Athletes have more susceptibility to oxidative stress: Truth or myth? A study in swimmersScience and Sports 35(1): 20–8. doi: 10.1016/j.scispo.2018.11.008 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 0,679]

58. Tavares ASR, Rosado AF, Marôco J, Calmeiro L, Serpa S (2020). Determinants of the Intention to Use Performance-Enhancing Substances Among Portuguese Gym UsersFrontiers in Psychology 10: Article 2881. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02881 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,067]

59. Camacho I, Jiménez-Iglesias A, Rivera F, Moreno C, Matos MG (2020). Communication in single- and two-parent families and their influence on Portuguese and Spanish adolescents’ life satisfactionJournal of Family Studies 26(1): 157–67. doi: 10.1080/13229400.2017.1361856 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,179]

60. Faria M, Domingues R, Paixão F, Bugalho MJ, Matos P, Silva AL (2020). TNFα-mediated activation of NF-κB downregulates sodium-iodide symporter expression in thyroid cellsPLoS ONE 15(2): e0228794. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228794 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,740]

61. Pereira Da Silva A, Costa MDC, Aguiar L, Matos A, Gil Â, Gorjão-Clara J, Polónia J, Bicho M (2020). Impact on Longevity of Genetic Cardiovascular Risk and Lifestyle including Red Meat ConsumptionOxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1305413. doi: 10.1155/2020/1305413 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 5,076]

62. Marques JC, Candeias P, Góis P, Peixoto J (2020). Is the Segmented Skill Divide Perspective Useful in Migration Studies? Evidence from the Portuguese Case. Journal of International Migration and Integration. doi: 10.1007/s12134-020-00757-2 [SJR(2019): Q1]

63. Martins J, Marques A, Teixeira PJ, Mota J, Lopes C, Nicola PJ (2020). Socio-demographic factors associated with physical activity and sitting time patterns in adults: An analysis based on the Portuguese Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity SurveyEuropean Journal of Sport Science. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1736643 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,781]

64. Zastrozhin MS, Skryabin VY, Torrado M, Petrovna A, Sorokin AS, Grishina EA, Ryzhikova KA, Bedina IA, Buzik OZ, Chumakov EM, Savchenko LM, Brun EA, Sychev DA (2020). Effects of CYP2C19*2 polymorphisms on the efficacy and safety of phenazepam in patients with anxiety disorder and comorbid alcohol use disorderPharmacogenomics 21(2): 111–23. doi: 10.2217/pgs-2019-0019 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,781]

65. Marques A, Matos MG, Bordado J, Gouveia ER, Peralta M, Gomez-Baya D (2020). Different levels of physical activity and depression symptoms among older adults from 18 countries: A population-based study from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). European Journal of Sport Science 1–18. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1795273 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,339]

66. Marques A, Henriques-Neto D, Peralta M, Martins J, Demetriou Y, Schonbach DR, Matos MG (2020). Prevalence of Physical Activity among Adolescents from 105 Low, Middle, and High-income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: e3145. doi:10.3390/ijerph17093145 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

67. Hércules E, Peralta M, Henriques-Neto D, Rodrigues L, Galvão MR, Cavichiolli F, Marques A (2020). The influence of socioeconomic status and age on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among 5 to 10-year-old children in Curitiba, Brazil. American Journal of Human Biology 22: e23424. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23424 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 1,558]

68. Marques A, Gouveia ÉR, Peralta M, Martins J, Venturini J, Henriques-Neto D, Sarmento H (2020). Cardiorespiratory fitness and telomere length: a systematic review. Journal of Sports Sciences 38(14): 1690–7. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1754739 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,597]

69. Marques A, Peralta M, Henriques-Neto D, Frasquilho D, Gouveia ÉR, Gomez-Baya D (2020). Active commuting and depression symptoms in adults: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3): Article 1041. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17031041 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

70. Peralta M, Henriques-Neto D, Bordado J, Loureiro N, Diz S, Marques A (2020). Active commuting to school and physical activity levels among 11 to 16 year-old adolescents from 63 low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(4): e1276. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041276 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

71. Henriques-Neto D, Peralta M, Garradas S, Pelegrini A, Pinto AA, Sánchez-Miguel PA, Marques A (2020). Active Commuting and Physical Fitness: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(8): e2721. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17082721 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

72. Henriques-Neto D, Minderico C, Peralta M, Marques A, Sardinha LB (2020). Test‐retest reliability of physical fitness tests among young athletes: The FITescola® battery. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 40(3): 173–82. doi: 10.1111/cpf.12624 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,704]

73. Martins J, Marques A, Peralta M, Henriques-Neto D, Costa J, Onofre M, Valeiro MG (2020). A comparative study of participation in physical education classes among 170,347 adolescents from 54 low-, middle-, and high-income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 5579. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17155579 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

74. Peralta M, Henriques-Neto D, Gouveia ÉR, Sardinha LB, Marques A (2020). Promoting health-related cardiorespiratory fitness in physical education: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237019 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,740]

75. Henriques-Neto D, Magalhães JP, Júdice P, Hetherington-Rauth M, Peralta M, Marques A, Sardinha LB (2020). Mediating role of physical fitness and fat mass on the associations between physical activity and bone health in youth. Journal of Sports Sciences. Published online: 5 August 2020. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1801326 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,597]

76. Torrado M, Bacelar-Nicolau L, Skryabin V, Teixeira M, Eusébio S, Ouakinin S (2020). Emotional dysregulation features and problem gambling in university students: a pilot studyJournal of Addictive Diseases. Published online: 07 Aug 2020. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2020.1800889 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 0,815]

77. Santos O, Alarcão V, Feteira-Santos R, Fernandes J, Virgolino V, Sena C, Vieira CP, Gregório MJ, Nogueira P, Costa A (2020). Impact of different front-of-pack nutrition labels on online food choices. Appetite. Available online: 11 August 2020, 104795. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104795 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,608]

78. Gaspar T, Gomez-Baya D, Torres I, Cerqueira A, Correia MF, Matos MG (2020). Impacto dos fatores psicossociais de risco na qualidade de vida da população no processo de reforma. Psicologia 34(1): 121–34. doi: 10.17575/psicologia.v34i1.1496 [SJR(2019): Q4]

79. Salamandane C, Fonseca F, Afonso S, Lobo ML, Antunes F, Matos O (2020). Handling of fresh vegetables: Knowledge, hygienic behavior of vendors, public health in Maputo markets, MozambiqueInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 6302. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176302 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

80. Bousquet J, Anto JM, Haahtela T, et al. (2020). ARIA digital anamorphosis: Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice. Allergy. First published: 08 June 2020. doi: 10.1111/all.14422 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 8,706]

81. Antunes F, Veríssimo C, Pereira AA, Sabino R (2020). Candida auris: Emergência Recente de um Fungo Patogénico Multirresistente. Acta Médica Portuguesa 33(10):680-684. doi: 10.20344/amp.12419 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 0,628]

82. Harsch S,  Jawid A, Jawid ME,  Nunes LS, Sahrai D, Bittlingmayer UH (2020). The relationship of Health Literacy, Wellbeing and Religious beliefs in Neglected and Unequal contexts ‐ Results of a Survey Study in Central Afghanistan. Health Promotion Journal of AustraliaFirst published: 19 September 2020. doi: 10.1002/hpja.419 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,476]

83. Osório H, Rocha J, Roquette R, Guerreiro NM, Zé-Zé L, Amaro F, Silva M, Alves MJ (2020). Seasonal Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Temperate Region in Europe, Southern PortugalInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(19):7083. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17197083 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

84. Marconcin P, Peralta M, Ferrari G, Matos MG, Espanha M, Murawska-Ciałowicz E, Marques A (2020). The Association of Grip Strength with Depressive Symptoms among Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Different Chronic DiseasesInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(19): 6942; doi: 10.3390/ijerph17196942 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

85. Ferrari G, Werneck AO , da Silva DR, Kovalskys I, Gómez G, Rigotti A,  Sanabria L, García M, Pareja RG, Herrera-Cuenca M, Zimberg IZ, Guajardo V, Pratt M, Bolados CC, Saldía EJ, Pires C, Marques A, Peralta M, de Victo ER, Fisberg M, on behalf of the ELANS Study Group (2020). Association between Perceived Neighborhood Built Environment and Walking and Cycling for Transport among Inhabitants from Latin America: The ELANS StudyInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(18): 6858. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186858 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

86. Madeira T, Severo M, Oliveira A, Gorjão Clara J, Lopes C (2020). The association between dietary patterns and nutritional status in community-dwelling older adults-the PEN-3S study. Eur J Clin NutrPublished 19 Sep 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41430-020-00745-w [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,291]

87. Viegas C, Almeida B, Caetano LA, Afanou A, Straumfors A, Veríssimo C, Gonçalves P, Sabino R (2020). Algorithm to assess the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus resistant strains: The case of Norwegian sawmills. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. Published online: 19 Aug 2020. doi: 10.1080/09603123.2020.1810210 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 1,916]

88. Guia MF, Paula F, Pinto P, Froes F (2020). Respiratory failure in pulmonary hypertension patients. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 39(9): 551-552. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2020.01.009 [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 0,960]

89. Zé-Zé L, Borges H, Osório H, Machado J, Gomes JP, Alves MJ (2020). Mitogenome diversity of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus: Detection of multiple introduction events in Portugal. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(9):e0008657. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008657 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,885]

90. Marques A, Bordado J, Peralta M, Gouveia ER, Tesler R, Demetriou Y, Baya DG (2020). Cross-sectional and prospective relationship between physical activity and depression symptomsSci Rep 10: 16114. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72987-4 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,998]

91. Branquinho C, Kelly C, Arevalo LC, Santos A, Matos MG (2020). “Hey, we also have something to say”: A qualitative study of Portuguese adolescents’ and young people’s experiences under COVID‐19. Journal of Community Psychology. First published online: 1 October. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22453 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 1,106]

92. Salvador D, Caeiro MF, Serejo F, Nogueira P, Carneiro RN, Neto C (2020). Monitoring Waterborne Pathogens in Surface and Drinking Waters. Are Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) Simultaneously Efficient in the Elimination of Enteric Viruses and Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB)? Water 12(10): 2824. doi: 10.3390/w12102824 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,544]

93. Marques A, Matos MG, Henriques-Neto D, Peralta M, Gouveia ER, Tesler R, Martins J, Gomez-Baya D (2020). Grip Strength and Depression Symptoms Among Middle-Age and Older Adults. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 95(10): 2134-43. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.02.035 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 6,942]

94. Lindeza P, Rodrigues M, Costa J, Guerreiro M, Rosa MM (2020). Impact of dementia on informal care: a systematic review of family caregivers’ perceptions. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

95. Gómez-Baya D, Calmeiro L, Gaspar T, Marques A, Loureiro N, Peralta M, Mendoza R, Matos MG (2020). Longitudinal Association between Sport Participation and Depressive Symptoms after a Two-Year Follow-Up in Mid-AdolescenceInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(20): 7469. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17207469 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

96. Ferreira RJ, Nogueira T, da Silva VD, Pinto ML, Sousa J, Pereira AM, Nogueira PJ, Borrego R, Raposo A, Martins J, Onofre M, Marques A, Rodrigues A, Quitério A, Pereira A (2020). A school-based intervention for a better future: study protocol of Sintra Grows HealthyBMC Public Health 20: 1615. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09715-0 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 2,521]

97. Moreira AC, Oliveira PA, Borrego R, Nogueira T, Ferreira R, Virella D (2020). Development of RisObIn.Com, a Screening Tool for Risk of Childhood Obesity in the CommunityNutrients 12(11): 3288. doi: 10.3390/nu12113288

98. Henriques‐Neto D, Júdice PB, Peralta M, Sardinha LB (2020). Fitness, physical activity, or sedentary patterns? Integrated analysis with obesity surrogates in a large youth sampleAm J Hum Biol e23522. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23522 

99. Virgolino A, Antunes F, Santos O, Costa A, Matos MG, Bárbara C, Bicho M, Caneiras C, Sabino R, Núncio MS, Matos O, Santos RR, Costa J, Alarcão V, Gaspar T, Ferreira J, Carneiro AV (2020). Towards a Global Perspective of Environmental Health: Defining the Research Grounds of an Institute of Environmental HealthSustainability 12(21): 8963. doi: 10.3390/su12218963 

100. Morais L, Lopes A, Nogueira P (2020). Which heatwave measure has higher predictive power to prevent health risks related to heat: EHF or GATO IV? – Evidence from modelling Lisbon mortality data from 1980 to 2016Weather and Climate Extremes 30: 100287. doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2020.100287 

101. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration* (2020). Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participantsLancet 396: 1511–24. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31859-6 

102. Ferreira-Brito F, Alves S, Santos O, Guerreiro T, Caneiras C, Carriço L, Verdelho A (2020). Photo-Realistic Interactive Virtual Environments for Neurorehabilitation in Mild Cognitive Impairment (NeuroVRehab.PT): A Participatory Design and Proof-of-Concept StudyJ. Clin. Med. 9(12), 3821. doi: 10.3390/jcm9123821 

103. Salgado M, Vieira AC, Torres A, Oliveira MD (2020). Selecting Indicators to Monitor and Assess Environmental Health in a Portuguese Urban Setting: A Participatory ApproachInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(22): 8597. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228597 [SJR(2019): Q2 | JCR(2019): 2,849]

104. Camarinha C, Fernandes M, Alarcão V, Franco J, Manaças M, Bárbara C, Nicola PJ (2020). Determinants associated with uncontrolled asthma in Portugal: A national population-based study. Pulmonol. Available online 4 October 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.02.014  [SJR(2019): Q3 | JCR(2019): 2,778]

105. Morais L, Lopes A, Nogueira P (2020). Human health outcomes at the neighbourhood scale implications: Elderly’s heat-related cardiorespiratory mortality and its influencing factorsScience of the Total Environment 760: 144036. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144036 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 6,551]

106. Korman M, Tkachev V, Reis C, Komada Y, Kitamura S, Gubin D, Kumar V, Roenneberg T (2020). COVID‑19‑mandated social restrictions unveil the impact of social time pressure on sleep and body clock. Sci Rep 10: 22225. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79299-7 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 3,998]

107. Valentim-Coelho C, Vaz F, Antunes M, Neves S, Martins IL, Osório H, Feliciano A, Pinto P, Bárbara C, Penque D (2020). Redox–Oligomeric State of Peroxiredoxin-2 and Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Red Blood Cells under Positive Airway Pressure TherapyAntioxidants 9(12): 1184. doi: 10.3390/antiox9121184 [SJR(2019): Q1 | JCR(2019): 5,014]

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