Environment and Non-Communicable Diseases

cristina bárbara

Cristina Bárbara

This research group aims to assure the expansion of pre- and clinical research being developed at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon. It is focused on understanding how environmental factors interact and influence health and well-being, with particular emphasis on the main non-communicable diseases and conditions. In this line, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of significant impact in the quality of patient’s life, public health and healthcare services, are stimulated, with potential of transfer to practice and policy implementation.

Team study the environmental determinants of noncommunicable diseases along their ‘natural history’. By allowing a better understanding on aetiology and mechanism of action, the research done contributes to the development and evaluation of preventive measures. Moreover, it promotes continuing development of health and other professionals’ competences, scientific diffusion, as well as application of innovations of social and commercial interest.

The methodological approach takes advantage of the vast clinical, laboratorial and epidemiological experience of the RG as a whole. The facilities provided by the central hospitals where the researchers currently work, and their connections with primary and long-term care centres, are also a factor of major importance.


This research group is particularly committed to develop and to implement a prioritized national research agenda for non-communicable diseases and environment

Cristina Bárbara

Team members


Selected publications

Amaral A, Burney P, Patel J, Minelli C, Mejza F, Mannino D, Seemungal T, Mahesh PA, Lo LC, Janson C, Juvekar S, Denguezli M, Harrabi I, Wouters E, Cherkaski H, Mortimer K, Jogi R, Bateman E, Fuertes E,  Al Ghobain M, Tan W, Obaseki D, El Sony A, Studnicka M, Aquart-Stewart A, Koul P, Lawin H, Nafees A, Awopeju O, Erhabor G, Gislason T, Welte T, Gulsvik A, Nielsen R, Gnatiuc L, Kocabas A, Marks G, Sooronbaev T, Ngahane B, Bárbara C, Buist AS, The BOLD (Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease) Collaborative Research Group (2021). Chronic airflow obstruction and ambient particulate air pollution. Thorax 0:1–6.

Staats R, Bailly S, Bonsignore MR, Ryan S, Riha RL, Schiza S, Verbraecken J, Basoglu OK, Saaresranta T, Pataka A, Ludka O, Lombardi C, Hedner JA, Grote L, the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA) collaborators (2021). Impact of temperature on obstructive sleep apnoea in three different climate zones of Europe: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA). Journal of Sleep Research: e13315.

Santos C, Santos AF, Neves R, Ribeiro R, Rodrigues F, Caneiras C, Spruit M, Bárbara C (2021). Telemonitoring of daily activities compared to the six-minute walk test further completes the puzzle of oximetry-guided interventions. Scientific Reports 11: 16600.