
Municipal Strategies for Health

ISAMB's EnviHeB Lab is involved in the development of Municipal Strategies for Health in several municipalities of Grande Lisboa.


Cascais' Observatory for the Promotion of Health

ISAMB's EnviHeB Lab is the responsible for the Cascais' Observatory for the Promotion of Health, promoted within the Local Strategy for the Promotion of Health.

Estado da educação_2020_capa

Margarida Gaspar de Matos, clinical psychologist, researcher and head of the ISAMB's Supportive Environments for Individuals’ Lifespan Development research group, and Osvaldo Santos, clinical and health psychologist, researcher and head of the ISAMB's Environmental Health Behavior Lab, have contributed to the State of the Education Report for Portugal, published by the National Education Council. This publication is the annual flagship report on the evolution of education, its problems and perspectives.

Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Sofia Ramalho, Osvaldo Santos e Tiago Pereira. Students and professionals' mental health: schools as wellbeing, health and learning ecosystems, pp. 332-341.



Margarida Gaspar de Matos, clinical psychologist, researcher and head of the ISAMB's Supportive Environments for Individuals’ Lifespan Development research group, and Osvaldo Santos, clinical and health psychologist, researcher and head of the ISAMB's Environmental Health Behavior Lab, integrated the Task Force on Behavioral Sciences created by the Portuguese Government 1) to collect and produce scientific evidence in the field of behavioral sciences applied to the context of COVID-19, 2) to support directly the decision-making process and to address recommendations for evidence-based public policies, specifically regarding the implementation, testing and evaluation of strategies, materials and instruments for facilitation, communication and action for and with citizens, aimed at sustained behavior change, 3) to make recommendations on the creation of a social context that facilitates communication and behavioral action, aiming at increasing the involvement of citizens and the various actors of the social system in the establishment of a common purpose and social objectives to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, 4) to make recommendations for effective crisis communication and communication of risks of contagion by SARS-CoV-2, adapted to specific sociodemographic, geographic and psychosocial profiles, which allow creating conditions that facilitate adherence and maintenance of new behaviors, 5) to make recommendations on behavioral change interventions that allow the increase and maintenance of adherence to behaviors to prevent the risk of contagion by SARS-CoV-2, based on behavioral models and associated scientific evidence. Margarida Gaspar de Matos was appointed as the Task Force Coordinator and Osvaldo Santos was the leader of the Work Package 3 dedicated to the synthesis of scientific evidence related to the promotion of health behaviors, at an individual and collective level, in the context of the pandemic. In this context, fifteen policy briefs were produced. More information here.

Osvaldo Santos, clinical and health psychologist, researcher and head of the ISAMB's Environmental Health Behavior Lab, took part of the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) Portugal expert panel which aimed to rate the level of implementation of policies on food environments by the Government against international best practice, and then, based on the implementation gaps, propose and prioritize key actions for implementation by the government. Food-EPI was developed by the International Network for Food and Obesity/NCDs Research, Monitoring and Action Support. The final report is now available here.